ENT- maxillary sinus antrochoanal polyp
ENT- maxillary sinus antrochoanal polyp (2)
ENT- frontal osteoma
ENT- ethmoidal osteoma
ENT- mandibular hypoplasia deformity (4)
ENT- mandibular hypoplasia deformity (3)
ENT- mandibular hypoplasia deformity (2)
ENT- mandibular hypoplasia deformity (1)
Brain- prominent right jugular bulb
Brain- infra sub tentorial giant meningioma
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma (4)
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma (3)
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma (2)
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma (1)
Brain- abnormal signal of left para ventricle and mid brai
Brain- abnormal signal of left para ventricle and mid brai
Brain- abnormal signal of left para ventricle and mid brai
ENT- mandibular hypoplasia deformity (4)
ENT- mandibular hypoplasia deformity (3)
ENT- mandibular hypoplasia deformity (2)
ENT- mandibular hypoplasia deformity (1)
Brain- prominent right jugular bulb
Brain- infra sub tentorial giant meningioma
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma (4)
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma (3)
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma (2)
Brain- huge sub tentorial meningioma (1)
Brain- abnormal signal of left para ventricle and mid brai
Brain- abnormal signal of left para ventricle and mid brai
Brain- abnormal signal of left para ventricle and mid brai
Brain- abnormal signal of left para ventricle and mid brai
Brain- abnormal signal of left para ventricle and mid brai
Brain- abnormal signal of left para ventricle and mid brai
Physics- intervention RFA
Physics- intervention RFA (11)
Physics- intervention RFA (10)
Physics- intervention RFA (9)
Physics- intervention RFA (8)
Physics- intervention RFA (7)
Physics- intervention RFA (6)
Physics- intervention RFA (5)
Physics- intervention RFA (4)
Physics- intervention RFA (3)
Physics- intervention RFA (2)
Physics- intervention RFA (1)
Orbit- right side eye replacement
Orbit- right orbital blow out fracture and a mass lesion h
Orbit- Left glove metallic fragment
Orbit- bone fragment referenced image (2)
Orbit- bone fragment referenced image (1)
Orbit- a large metallic fragment in orbit and nasal cavity
Hematoma- infra and supra tentorial
Brain- Prominent basilar tip
Brain – left blow out fracture and incased lower rectus
ENT- skin SSD 3D
ENT- skin SSD 3D by MRI
ENT- MRA of neck
ENT- CTA of Neck
ENT- CTA of neck vessels
Dental TMJ (2)
Dental TMJ (1)
Spine- Harington rob instrument (6)
Spine- Harington rob instrument (5)
Spine- Harington rob instrument (4)
Spine- Harington rob instrument (3)
Spine- Harington rob instrument (2)
Spine- Harington rob instrument (1)
Spine- D10 D11 facet enlargement (4)
Spine- D10 D11 facet enlargement (3)
Spine- D10 D11 facet enlargement (2)
Spine- D10 D11 facet enlargement (1)
MSK- detachment of greater tuberosity (6)
MSK- detachment of greater tuberosity (5)
MSK- detachment of greater tuberosity (4)
MSK- detachment of greater tuberosity (3)
MSK- detachment of greater tuberosity (2)
MSK- detachment of greater tuberosity (1)
MSK- bi lateral AVN before and after treatment (4)
MSK- bi lateral AVN before and after treatment (3)
MSK- bi lateral AVN before and after treatment (2)
MSK- bi lateral AVN before and after treatment (1)
MSK- bi lateral AVN before and after treatment —R
MSK- bi lateral acetabular and right femoral fractures (ac
MSK- bi lateral acetabular and right femoral fractures (ac
MSK- bi lateral acetabular and right femoral fractures (ac
MSK- bi lateral acetabular and right femoral fractures (ac
MSK- ACL tear and PCL detachment (5)
MSK- ACL tear and PCL detachment (4)
MSK- ACL tear and PCL detachment (3)
MSK- ACL tear and PCL detachment (2)
MSK- ACL tear and PCL detachment (1)
ENT- small right maxillary sinus (2)
ENT- small right maxillary sinus (1)
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- severe complex mid face fracture and obliterated sinu
ENT- right neuro foramina tumor (Neurofibroma) (5)
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